Miss Kitty Hawk, with the Golden Eyes

One day this past June when I arrive home from work, my friend Deb came up to me saying “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” with something curled up in her hands.  It turns out she had been going to garage sales and at one of the stops she found this kitten they were going to “get rid of by the end of the day” one way or another. Well, Deb couldn’t let anything happen to it! So she brought it home.  She couldn’t keep it, but she knew I’d have a hard time saying NO.

There were just a few problems with this kitten. First of all, it was young… TOO young.  She couldn’t even eat on her own yet, so we had to bottle feed her. Second (now keep in mind that I am an animal lover, and have always had pets of all kinds) this kitten was not cute!  In fact, you know the expression “a face only a mother could love”.. well that was her!  She was, by FAR the homeliest kitten I had ever seen!

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Aside from that fact that she couldn’t eat on her own, and she wasn’t going to win any beauty contests, she could not walk well. She was wobbly to the point that we thought something was medically wrong.  We didn’t think she’d make it through the first night. But she did..and the next one.. and the next!

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She not only survived, but has thrived. Now at about 7 months old she has become quite a beautiful young lady! One of her most amazing features, and the reason my husband named her Kitty Hawk, is her amazing Golden Eyes! I have tried to catch them in a picture, but I’m guessing there is no way to truly capture them. Maybe these will give you an idea.


Within a couple months of bringing Kitty Hawk into our home, we had to say goodbye to my friend and companion, Miss Kiabab. Rest in Peace, my sweet girl. We love you and miss you.


And then there were three…

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Miss Bella Pita.. and HER home

Sadly we also ended up saying good-bye to Sissy(grey), and then to Tinker(calico). Sissy had been my husband’s “body guard” for years, but her kidneys failed. Ticker had been his nurse for even more years, never leaving his side if he wasn’t feeling well. But after nearly 20 years, she was done.


Our home was once again feeling a little emptier than we were use to. Add to that the fact that a friend of ours had a Maine Coon that had a litter. SO… there I am at work, when my husband shows up with my “Graduation” present.. (June 2013-I had just earned my Associate Degree in Business Management). I peek inside and this is what peeked back:

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At this point, her name was just Bella.  She fit in quite well, cozying up to everyone. She decided Kai, the dog, was hers, and no one argued with her, include Kai!

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It didn’t take long before she started earning the other part of her name… P.I.T.A. She was everywhere, and into everything, and everyone and everything belonged to her.She is quite the princess!

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Will you join me tomorrow to here Miss Kitty Hawks story? Who knows, maybe, just maybe I’ll get a good picture of her golden eyes by tomorrow evening!

Thanks for visiting. Won’t you let me know you were here?

Miss Cora Comes Into our family.

In 2009 I lost my Kiki.  She had been my companion for 19 years. She moved with me from West Covina, CA, to Ontario, CA to Upland, CA  eventually to Canyonville, OR and then finally we settled here in Winston, OR.

She lived a long happy life.


 I didn’t think I was going to get another cat, but it didn’t take very long for me to realize I had a HUGE hole in my day and needed another cat to help fill up that emptiness. So my husband and I headed for Saving Grace Shelter.  As with far too many shelters, there was no shortage of animals to choose from, but even with all those cats it did not take long for Miss Cora to steal my heart.  She is a cuddler, purrs easily, and looks right in your eyes and melts your heart.


She didn’t have any trouble getting used to life at her new forever home with her new family which included 2 other cats that we had… Tinker and Sissy.


Oh… and our dog, Kaibab!  I don’t think I’ve mentioned Kai yet.  She too was my companion from before I moved here from Southern California. She too was a rescue companion. They estimated that she was about 5 when she adopted me.

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Tomorrow we will talk about Miss Bella Pita…. our Beautiful Pain In The…..

Thank you for visiting!

Introducing our girls

I would not have believed it was possible to have all 4 napping on my lap at the same time! This was my afternoon.10846109_10203499533550452_3944631296226960324_n

Then there is meal time, and a quick game of musical plates. They never end up at the same plate they started with.

001 (4)Left to right… Miss Bella Pita… She earned her name Pain In The…..yup! She is just past 1 1/2. Next to her is her half sister, our Baby Kitty. The baby is only about 4 months old. Same mommy cat, different litter.  Hopefully our human friend who is their mommy cat’s human companion has had her fixed so that she won’t have any more litters!  Next us Miss Cora.. the matriarch.  When she adopted us from the rescue shelter they said she was about 3 years old, so that makes her about 6 now. And then there is Miss Kitty Hawk.  She gets her name from her golden eyes, which I have never been able to capture in a picture. They are amazing. She is another rescue.  A friend of our was garage saling and there was a tiny kitten at one that the people were saying they were getting rid of by the end of the day, one way or another. Well, my friend couldn’t let anything bad happen to the poor baby, so that scrawny little thing got handed to me when I got home from work with a big smile and a “Happy Birthday” from my friend!  She couldn’t even eat on her own yet, so was bottle fed by my husband and I until she could eat,   Tomorrow I’ll share some baby pictures with you.

Thanks for visiting!

December 26th-With my Daughter and Grandson

My daughter has a bunch of hummingbirds that visit her front porch and her back yard during the spring and summer months. She just adores them and posts pictures of them on her page. Because of a template that Ben Kwok shared in his FB group I was able to make this for my daughter for Christmas.  Needless to say she loved it. And I loved being able to spend the afternoon with her and my grandson. What a splendid day!001


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Here’s a little something I made for some special friends….minus the kitten… she stayed with me… LOL


Here are a few other creations I’d like to share with you:

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